
Parc Mauresque arcachon

Parc Mauresque arcachon


I’ve been trying to come to terms with some sort of farewell. A goodbye to my familiar environment, my used-to coffee places, my preferred supermarkets, my favourite bakery.

It wasn’t exactly planned. At first leaving Paris seemed like a good move financially. A break from the city, taking in as much greenery as possible. Then, pooof! I have officially moved back to Singapore. I vaguely saw this potential move. As I shared before, I couldn’t see my future, what I’d be doing, where I’d be. I didn’t want to move back, but helas, fate has other plans for me. I’m still not sure where I’d end up… There’s a couple of options that I still can’t decide. Maybe time will tell?

Maybe I should have worked harder. But I know I did… Some probably would not agree, but I refused to give up what I believe in, refused to settle for something lesser, refused to give up my passion. So now, I’m back in my birth country, hoping to make my passion work out somehow.

parc mauresque arcachon

parc mauresque arcachon

parc mauresque

parc mauresque


161 boxes + 40kgs on board + 17ish years of memories

Was what moved back to Singapore. It’d take some time before I get accustomed to anything. Living abroad has changed my point of view in so many ways that sometimes I find it hard to accept the conventional lifestyle that’s “imposed” on a typical Singaporean / scoring As in school, getting a degree, an office job, marrying the childhood sweetheart, buying the first home, starting a family by the mid/late 20s — I exaggerate a little, but you get what I mean.

With Chinese New Year right around the corner, it’s safe to say that I’m absolutely out of the norm. Speaking of which, it’s been 12 years since my family have celebrated CNY in Singapore in our own space. Needless to say, I’d have to entertain all sorts of annoying questions among those never-seen-before relatives ┐(´~`)┌

On a positive note

Not everything is bad. Moving back, I’ve come to realise that I do miss the “Asian efficiency” ( ̄■ ̄;) It has become some sort of “insider joke” whenever anything gets processed too slow, I’d call that “the french efficiency” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On another hand, moving into a new home meant I get to design the look and feel of our new place, of course, it had to be inline with all sorts of feng shui rules that my mom would impose. It had been a long tedious work, handling the “people” as well.

I’ve discovered the wonders of the Chinese online shopping app 淘宝. Where you’d find some really great stuffs at a fraction of the price compared to Europe, which I will try to put up my selection of shops in the upcoming posts, * did someone saying shopping?* (☆∀☆)


It’s not the end

Afterall, the countryside where I grew up in and the beautiful city of lights is only an air ticket away.

Despite missing the cold weather terribly, life goes on. Thankfully, I managed to find some really delicious croissants in Singapore. One that smells and tastes like “home”.

Sometimes good things come to an end, but who knows, maybe something even better is in brewing. Now, I’d just have to get used to the new “home”.

Carol G

Born in Singapore, raised in France. I'm currently an art director living in Paris.
Stay tuned to my experiences and discoveries through my "double" personalities. 


Pouring art


Tower Bridge